Justin's comment about this one is that it makes it look really fun because you can't tell from the picture that it was too cold to swim. Even so, Marissa and I braved the water slide. As soon as I hit the plunge pool I made a bee line for the ladder and emphatically yelled "Get me out! Get me out!" at the kids who were in my way. Not only was the air cold- but the water was actual ocean water that they pump in for the pools. Brrr- like freezing cold french fries.
The next photo is pretty self explanatory- a group of us eating lunch in Ensenada. What you can't really tell from the picture is that we had 4 tables lined up but it was so chilly in the shade that most of us were huddled around the one table that was in the sunshine- not just for the photo-ops, but for warmth! (I know, all you Iowan's are crying for me and my chilly trip to Mexico! Boo-hoo, hace frio!!)
You also may notice that Justin is managing to have a philisophical conversation in the background during this festive photo op....weirdo. :)
This last one is my personal favorite. Clearly Justin enjoyed getting to know my colleagues as here he is pictured with a "what on earth" look on his face.
Actually, James (the other guy in the picture) and his wife were the couple we rode down to LA with. We had a lot of fun with them- they go to our church and are leaders for the high school group there. Justin and James both got a kick out of this picture.