It's sort of sad when you're the kind of person who blogs and you find yourself with pictures on your camera from over a MONTH ago and you think... where do I even begin? I think I've actually been putting off blogging, in part, because I am overwhelmed by the amount of pictures and stories that have been building for the past month. I don't consider myself a procrastinator, and I think that it's only fair to point out that I have been LIVING these stories and photos and therefore have been too busy to get them on my blog....but that wouldn't be entirely true. I think the volume has been daunting and so, even though I could have found moments here and there to post, I have been putting it off. No longer. Here we go...
Starting with my dear friend Katherine's bachelorette party. Sad fact of the matter is that now that I'm getting to blogging about it, she is already married!! I think that it's still blog-worthy though, especially since we took pictures! :)
We (Katherine, JoAnn and I) started it off right by going for pedicures at this cute nail salon called Aquabar. The salon is super cute and they have themed pedi's like "Peachy Pedi" and "Choco Pedi". Super cute. So we go in for our Peachy Pedi's and everything is going well when this lady sitting near the window decides that she can't stand to watch this dog outside who has gotten himself all tangled around the picnic tables outside Panda Express, and she heads out to let his owners know about their distressed dog (the owners are inside Panda Express, apparently ordering). You would think this would illicit a "thank you" or maybe an "Oh no!" but instead it illicited screaming and extremely inappropriate name calling. This lead to an all out girl-fight between the salon receptionist (who was sticking up for the lady who stuck her nose in, albeit not in a harmful way) and the 17ish dog owner girl. You can probably picture Katherine, JoAnn and myself, feet in tubs, eyes wide and jaws on the floor...not your typical pedicure setting, but not entirely without entertainment value....
After pedicures we went to JoAnn's to get ready (this is half the fun, especially when you are friends with JoAnn and Katherine b/c JoAnn is a hairdresser (and an amazing one!) and Katherine is an artist with the makeup.) Lots of girly fun ensued (even though Katherine will not like me referring to our fun as "girly").
Once we were ready we headed downtown to Pascucci for a delicious Italian meal. Here are some pictures of us at Pascucci:

After Pascucci we went over to Dargan's for a bit and then back to JoAnn's to watch wedding-themed movies! All in all it was a great bachelorette party!