Friday, October 31, 2008
Flashback Friday
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I was sick earlier this week with the unidentified virus from the DLG and as such I missed the discussion. I was wondering if we found out what we got on our midterms, what we went over, and if we did anything that I would possibly need to do outside of class.
(Removed name to protect the innocent)
**Ok, first of all- unidentified virus? What on earth is the DLG?? That can't be good!**
Here's Justin's Reply:
(Student's Name),
Hope you're feeling better. I won't return the midterms until next week, I'm in the process of finishing them as I write. In discussion on Tuesday we discussed the Cosmological Argument, and some objections to the argument, etc.
Next week we will discuss the problem of evil, so make sure you've done the reading.
Other than that, the only homework I've assigned was for everyone to prove once and for all whether or not God exists. Have that ready by Tuesday. Good luck!
I read that and thought- wow, I'm glad I'M not in that class! What an assignment!
So, I get home and we're eating dinner tonight and I brought up the email to joke about this "unidentified virus" and Justin's all "Yeah, did you see what I told him his assignment was?" HE WAS JOKING!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just when you think that Philosopher's don't have a sense of humor. This poor kid is going to be spending his Halloween weekend trying to prove- "once and for all"- the existence of God.
I love it.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday's Fabulous Moment of the Day
Work was good too- all in all a good day. I went to a cardio-kickboxing class after work and I am going to be SORE tomorrow! I realized that I have zero abdominal strength which is probably why my back hurts all the time, so maybe kickboxing and pilates would be good for me. So much to do, so little time!
Halloween coming up this weekend- can't wait to be Dorothy! There's NO place like home!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Another New Favorite
Yay! I figured it out!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Flashback Friday

Yikes. I'm not sure this is what was intended by Flashback Fridays but I think it's character building so I'll go with it. =)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
You know better alright...
Then there was Meiko. David and JoAnn really liked Meiko but I wasn't a huge fan- she has this sort of strange way of contorting her voice to get a certain sound. BUT I was warming up to her during her second set. Then she shared this story with the audience about how she was BEST friends with this guy and then she met his girlfriend and his girlfriend was all jealous of her and she had NO IDEA why because they were JUST FRIENDS and she was all sad because it ruined her friendship with this guy.
Boo hoo Meiko. You're shady.
But that's not even the half of it. She then proceeds to sing the song that she wrote about the situation. Here are the lyrics:
You should have seen JoAnn and I- jaws on the floor. Women all over the room pulled their boyfriends closer to them.
Yeah. You know better alright.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Oh yeah... the Blackhawks.
Student: So, you probably just want to be a Philosophy professor, right?
Justin: Yeah, that's the plan. I have a few years left before I get my PhD and then I want to teach at a University.
Student: Oh, so where did you do your undergraduate?
Justin: I'm from Iowa- I did my undergraduate at the University of Iowa.
Student: Ah, yeah. The Blackhawks.
Monday's Fabulous Moment of the Day.. or not
I guess I wasn't feeling like myself- does anyone else ever experience that? Times where they just don't feel like themselves? It's weird. It's like, you KNOW you're acting unlike yourself, it's almost like you're watching it happen, but you lack the energy or even the desire to stop. FYI to anyone who is feeling that way- prayer helps!
So, today I am feeling much more like myself. Instead of a "Monday's Fabulous Moment of the Day" post I will do a "Totally Terrific Tuesday" post.
So, a little over a month ago I got an email from the Performing Arts director at one of the Santa Barbara schools. The email said that she had obtained my resume (seriously, my resume is apparently making the rounds around this town!) and was looking for a vocal coach for her show choir. Being that I have a full time job, I replied saying that it sounded like a lot of fun to a midwest girl who grew up in show choir, but that I would have to decline. Her response was that she was very disappointed as she too, is a midwest girl (from Iowa City) and thinks we could have worked well together.
That's right, she's from Iowa City. Exactly 5 years ahead of me in school- she was in the exact same choirs that I was in in high school (4th Ave!!). Long story short, I took the position and I've worked it into my lunch break 2-3 times/week. It has totally proven rewarding- it's a choir of Junior High girls and it's great. It's funny- after a few months of not teaching how invigorating it is to get up in front of a choir and sing with them. I always thought I would hate teaching Jr. High but it's actually really cool- they're at that age where they're just starting to consider the possibility of being really talented singers and I get to be the one to build them up and show them how- so fun.
It's also an enormous ego boost- I won't lie. I won them over the first time I sang for them and it felt awesome. It's not exactly bragging- I have a degree in vocal performance, it would be embarassing if they weren't impressed.
So, my "Totally Terrific Tuesday" moment was during warm-ups today. I was talking to the girls about posture and and how important it is because of the fact that our instruments are in our bodies and we need energy to use them. I was demonstrating how when we shift our weight to one leg or another it requires more energy to stand, and therefore you have less energy to sing, which is why we need to be balanced. They asked all sorts of great questions ie. Why can't you sit? Why can't you hold your hands behind your back? etc. We tried out all of those positions and they came to the conclusion that the neutral posture that I was advocating really did take the least amount of energy- which left the rest of their energy to focus on singing. Yay! Teachable students!
So, one of the girls has her hands raised and says:
"Two things- first, I love those shoes. Second, why can't you have your hands on your hips?"
Seriously. These girls are awesome. Flattery will get you everywhere.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Best Kept Secret
So I thought I would start recording some of the funny and even the not-so-funny things people have said pertaining to Iowa and/or the midwest since I moved out here.
1. Pretty much any time farming or any other rural experience comes up people say "well, you're from Iowa" as if that makes me an authority on farming and rural life. OH! That's right! I forgot that being from Iowa means I must have grown up on a farm! In actuality, I've never milked a cow, I've never detassled corn, I can't even keep a house plant alive! City girl here!!
2. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE Iowa City. We were at the beach here in Santa Barbara one day and I chased down a couple who were wearing Hawkeye shirts just so we could chat about Iowa City. The friends we were with thought I was a LUNATIC but anyone from Iowa knows that the couple I chased down were MORE than excited to talk Iowa City with a fellow Hawkeye. My friend Marissa said "If I moved to a different state and I saw someone with a UCSB shirt on, I don't think I would go up and start talking to them." The more I think about that comment the more I realize that most people would think it was weird thing to do. The beauty is that anyone from Iowa City or anyone who calls themself a Hawkeye knows that it was the furthest thing from weird- it's like a family, and we LOVE a good reunion.
3. One of my favorite comments is from a co-worker- "I don't think I could live in Iowa because I wouldn't want to have to wear a cowboy hat all the time."
4. Another one from a co-worker was when someone was talking about Ohio and mentioned something about their trip being boring. A co-worker of mine commented "Yeah, but that's pretty much the midwest". Oh BROTHER.
5. Of course there are the requisit responses from people out here when you say you're from Iowa-
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Now this next one is my absolute FAVORITE. In fact, I am planning to get it printed and have it framed to hang in my home- that's how much I love it. The looks on Ryan and Audrey's faces are so priceless- they look like a crabby old married couple! This picture is on the background of my home and work computers and everytime I see it it makes me giggle.

I love being an aunt!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Flashback Friday!
In honor of Emily, this flashback Friday takes us back 10 years!! 1998 City High School Concert Choir trip to Washington DC! In this first picture you'll see that my fashion choices (especially the sun glasses- seriously, Lennon much?) haven't always been so...ahem, inspired. ;)

Next we have Emily and I eavesdropping through the wall in our hotel room. I have no clue what we were listening to but I will tell you that this habit has not gone away for me...just ask my husband!

Next takes a little explaining. While in Washington D.C. someone decided to buy a Star Wars Storm Trooper mask/helmet. Below you will see Jesse wearing said helmet. But below that is what made me laugh out loud as I went through these pictures and was reminded of this- Our friend Chris, wearing the mask, and totally seriously looking over some random ladies shoulder as she looked at a map of the museum we were in. It's too funny and so Chris!

Monday, October 13, 2008
Time Flies!
Isn't she beautiful? I think she looks like her mom! I can tell we're going to get along. She likes sleep- I like sleep. She likes hoodies- I like hoodies. We're practically two peas in a pod.
In other baby news- Abby, Kyle and Ryan came out for a visit last month! We had a VERY good time- I can't believe how much he grew in two months! It was so much fun having them visit. They are very easy and fun visitors. Unfortunately I couldn't take any time off of work. But, here are some photo highlights from the trip:
Ryan in the Clark Jacuzzi (aka our kitchen sink)