We had 2 big reasons for going home when we did this summer-
1: The birth of our new nephew- we knew Wyatt was due at the end of June so we wanted to come in early July to make sure we were there to meet him.
2: Justin's cousin Noah was getting married on July 11th in Chicago and Justin and his brother Graham were asked to be ushers.
Soooo, Vacation Part 4 was WEDDING WEDDING WEDDING!
Graham, Marie and Audrey met up with us in Chicago and it was great to have all the Clark family together- especially seeing our niece (9months) and nephew (1 year) together! They hadn't seen each other since Christmas so they had changed a LOT.
Friday night we went to the rehearsal dinner at Philly G's and it was lovely- such a nice rehearsal dinner! Justin and his dad and Uncle Randy played guitar and sang and Justin and I sang a couple of songs together as well.

This picture is particularly funny to me b/c there were about 8 adults surrounding this table trying to get both kids to look at the camera at the same time. We drew a crowd that was wanting to see what all the flashing camera's were about! Oh, you know, just our darling niece and nephew!

Justin and I at the rehearsal

Me and two of my favorite punks

Audrey and Uncle Justin- isn't she beautiful??

Me, Ryan and Justin at the wedding reception

Justin and I at the reception (a rare good photo of the two of us!)

The fam