But oh well.
It's funny because I read other people's blogs and get annoyed when they don't update for a week or so. There's one blog that I check regularly that hasn't been updated in almost a year... so when you look at it that way, I guess I'm not SO bad.
Time is flying by- probably largely due to the fact that I've been out of town the past two weekends (doesn't time seem to go by quicker when your usual routine is disrupted? I think so.) Last weekend my generous brother flew me out to Iowa for the weekend to surprise my mom for her birthday. It was pretty cool- she was VERY surprised and happy to have all of us together. It was a whirlwind weekend but I had a great time seeing my nephews
Wyatt and Henry and since I'm too lazy right now to get the pictures I took off of the other computer, you can click on that link and see my little nephews on my sister-in-laws blog (she would be an example of a GOOD blogger). :)
After my last post I did get cleared for an HSG which turned out normal (meaning my tubes are not blocked) and we got the all-clear to start trying again. Back to square one- yippee. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful that my tubes are ok, it just seemed anti-climatic. So now we're in month two (obviously month one was not successful) of starting to try again. I'm just trying to chill out and keep busy with school (not hard to do this time of year!) and not obsess. It's waaaayyy too easy to obsess about this stuff, as anyone who has gone through these types of things can tell you.
We (Justin and I) just got back this afternoon from a weekend in Carmel Valley. I had to go up for a music conference so Justin came along and we had a great time. The conference was fun and I got lots of fun ideas that I'm excited to use in the classroom. We stayed in a cute hotel and our room was actually kind of like a cabin complete with a fireplace. The furnishings were a bit out-dated but it had a nice cabin-like feel and was plenty comfortable. I skipped out on the social events of the conference last night after the sessions were over and we went out for dinner at a little Irish pub in Carmel. We met this guy who was putting good music on the juke box and talked to him about music for awhile and just before he left he paid for our dinner! Awesome! We also played darts which was a lot of fun (especially since I won...which Justin was not happy about) Hahahaha! It was a great weekend and I felt blessed to have a husband who is also my best friend. Good times.
6 weeks left until summer vacation and lots to do so hopefully it will fly by. I'm looking forward to coming to Iowa sometime in July- can't wait to see the family.