Saturday, March 8, 2008

Karma Baby

Our neighbor is apparently an I guess an aspiring drummer? We aren't really sure WHAT he's hitting with those drumsticks. He's been practicing a LOT... which makes studying difficult for Justin, but is good for a bit of a giggle for me. Just thought you might like to hear the musical stylings of our neighbor and his....upside down garbage can? table?....any other guesses??


Megan said...

five gallon bucket maybe??? Is that him singing? Poor Justin! He needs some earplugs!

Aaron said...

not only is he awful... but is he singing too??? seriously, theres some major weirdos in Santa Barbara!

And I'm going with.... he's banging on a coffee table... what do we win if we're right?

emily said...

My guess is the video game "Rock Band"...if you haven't heard of's like guitar hero but with vocals and drums. seriously...I bet that is totally what it is!!! haha! hilarious!

Aaron said...

ooooooh!!! I bet she's right, I've heard of it! You can sing, play guitar and drums... it all makes sense now!

megan.moeller said...

Maybe that is what Amber Barker's cubemate sounds like when he's slapping himself!
If he's looking to collaborate, perhaps Heidi Montag would be interested.