Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hermit Weekend

It's true what they say- that you become more like your spouse the longer you are together. I used to tease Justin when we were dating that he was a "hermit" because he often preferred staying home to going out. This weekend I was the one who suggested the "Hermit Weekend". We're so busy during the week and last weekend we went camping, so I just needed time at HOME doing nothing but RELAXING!! It was one of the best weekends I've had in a while and I feel very rested!! Yay!

Friday night we got take-out from the Habit and watched a movie. Justin was teasing me b/c I was especially tender-hearted that evening- I got teary when the Habit people weren't very patient with a special-needs gentleman- I HATE that!! So we chatted him up a little while we waited for our food. And then I cried all the way through "Dan in Real Life" which is supposed to be "funny and touching" but I found it very upsetting. I mean, it's not funny that he's a widower and his daughters are just horrible sometimes!! I thought it was very sad and I'm not exaggerating when I say that I literally cried all the way through...

Saturday we did laundry and watched basketball- some friends came over to watch UCLA lose. And then we were stunned to see UNC get trounced. My bracket is now officially in the garbage!

Today I ran 6 miles (we have that 10 mile rice in less than 3 weeks... yikes!) and then we went to church- our first outing since Friday night's trip to the Habit!

Yes, being a hermit was quite wonderful! Back to work tomorrow. And I'm ok with that! :)


Megan said...

I like a good hermit weekend too. Sometimes it's nice to not be running around on the weekend after a busy week!

LB said...

is it bad that i was laughing when i read you cried... sorry.

see you tomorrow night i hope!