Recent happenings:
1. FIRE in Santa Barbara- this was a scary one! It didn't get close to where we live (in fact, you can usually assume that it won't- we're in a good position fire-wise) if it gets to our place, then Santa Barbara is toast. It WAS however, close to my work- work was in the "Evacuation Warning Zone" which means you are supposed to be ready to evacuate at "a moment's notice". Did I get time off? Sadly, no (I really could have used it!). It burned over 8500 acres and ~80 homes were lost. 30,000 people were evacuated- it was pretty crazy. I've said it before and I'll say it again- I'll take floods and tornadoes any day over fire. Here's a picture from outside my office:

3. Justin celebrated his 29th birthday Tuesday! I am so thankful for another year of Justin!!!! He started off the day right with two chocolate/coconut donuts (courtesy of me!) and ended it with...drumroll...dinner at Chili's (Woo hoo! We know how to party!) He got to choose and that is what he wanted. Cool for me- I do like the Chicken Caeser Pita! He received lots of presents but seemed most enthralled with his book arriving in the mail (he ordered it weeks ago) and subsequently spent several minutes thumbing through "Plato and the Socratic Dialogue: The Philosophical Use of a Literary Form". Yep. We know how to party. :)
4. We're going to play softball for the Softshare Softball team. I didn't really want to (I'm not that good, and you know how I feel about doing things I'm not good at) but Justin really wants to so I'm going to soldier up and do it. Had our first practice today- went pretty well, but we didn't do any batting practice (that's where I really stink!). I'm sure plenty of good stories will surface as a result of my participation on this team.
Other than that, not a lot to report. This weekend we're going on a Fishing Excursion with Softshare. Five hours of fishing complete with cheeseburgers and drinks served on the boat...not exactly a vegetarian-friendly event, as Justin pointed out, (What's that honey? Killing fish and eating cows doesn't sound like fun??) but I'm sure we'll have fun just the same. I'll try and take some pictures and write about it next week.
Till next time...
I LOVE it when you blog!!! Helps me feel connected to you.
love you
LOL I suppose fishing and burgers really isn't a vegetarian's ideal day out! :)
I'm very excited you are coming back to the blogging world!
I'm reading your blog... Tell Justin if you're soldiering up to play softball he can soldier up to kill fish and eat cows. Sounds fair to me ;)
We miss you... can't wait to see you... want you to come HOME!
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