Thursday, June 4, 2009

Softshare Bat Pack

We had our first Softshare softball game last night. Unfortunately we lost 10-13 but the good news is that I didn't do anything embarrassing :) The bummer is that we actually only got to play 3 1/2 innings before time ran out- I really think if we had been able to play a full game we might have won.

I played out in right center and Justin played left center and third base. I was supposed to get to play 1st base later in the game but we ran out of time. I got on base twice (hit once, walked once) and Justin did too- even though he hadn't batted even for practice since we played in a church league in Michigan!

Here are some pictures that my co-worker Adam took:

Here we are pre-game (notice that my uniform is basically a mumu):

Trying to convince my nervous co-workers that we're just here to have fun:

Justin getting ready to bat:

My batting stance looks lame here, I think it's actually between pitches, so I'm not really "ready", just waiting for the pitcher to get ready:

I think it's going to be a pretty fun season!

1 comment:

cbrummer said...

This is exactly the kind of thing I wish I could come see! What a hoot!