Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pumpkin Mania

Ok, so anyone who has read my blog for over a year now might remember the elaborate pumpkin contest that takes place at my work. This year was NO exception. I present for you the winners of "Best Use of Pumpkin", "Scariest/Most Humorous", "Best Overall" and "Honorable Mention" (because it got the most total votes but they were spread out in each category).

First we have Diane's pumpkin-gumball machine. I think the coolest thing about this is that when you put in a penny and turned the crank it dispened pumpkin seeds! So cute!

This next one was Christine's. I'm not sure what was scary/humorous about it- I think there was just a consensus that it deserved a prize. This picture is really good considering this whole scene took place inside a big cardboard box- you had to look through a hole in the box to see the scene. Very cool.Next we have Ray's. Never one to disappoint Ray did another movie theme (if you remember, last year his pumpkin was the boulder in a scene from Indiana Jones- it had a MOTOR for pete's sake!) but this year was Jaws. Again, complete with soundtrack. Do you wonder why I didn't make an entry? Intimidating!

This next one was Melanie's. A very cool dragon- the pumpkin is the head. What you can't tell from the picture is that it was hooked up to a smoke machine and so smoke was coming out of the dragon's mouth! The funny part is that Melanie dropped the smoke machine on her way in and it wasn't working- so Troy (IT pro) was in the process of fixing it (seriously, they can fix ANYTHING!) and accidentally set off the smoke alarms! Good times. The good news is that he got it working and saved the day for Mel who had put so much work into it.

I think it's worth showing Nathan's as well- he didn't win any awards but his was interactive and I was hearing cheers from his office all day as people played his "pumpkin bowling" entry. Very impressive:

Like I said, I didn't submit an entry (I couldn't think of anything creative- I mean, these people are SERIOUS!) but I DID dress up in a costume all day, so that should count for something, right? And yes, Megan, I DID have ruby slippers. I'll post pics of the costume when I get them!

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