Sunday, November 16, 2008

You KNOW You're Getting Older When....

So if you know Justin at all you know he is a basketball player. He's been playing basketball forever- starting out against his older brother in the backyard games, through highschool, and then as a favorite pass-time in college. He hasn't slowed down a BIT in this area. When we lived in Michigan he played in tournaments with an AWESOME team of guys that he met there, but it's funny how each time we move he has to get the lay of the land and figure out where the good games are and sort of "prove" himself on the circuit.

So this year he's starting to get the pattern down- when people are playing, where the good games are etc. There are a few undergraduate kids that he's been playing with who didn't realize that he was a grad student and 28 years old. They were fairly shocked by the fact that he is 28, married, and....

wait for it....


I think the cell phone thing is what makes them think of him as "older". Incidentally, this week when they were playing he was knocking down three-pointers and after he hit a 3rd one in a row one of them shouts "Old Man River does it again!" Nice.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Highlarious. I laughed out loud for real.