Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cruise etc.

I know this is going to be a bit of a disappointment BUT I really didn't take many pictures on the Cruise. Other people did and so there is a possibility of pictures in the future, if those other people share...
The cruise was cool. It wasn't really "us" exactly- kind of a vegas-on-water feel to it- but it was free and it was fun to hang out with and get to know people from Softshare better. It was a 3 day weekend cruise down to Ensenada (which is on the Baja Peninsula and which, incidentally, has the exact same weather as Santa Barbara...) so it's not like we were swimming or snorkeling or even laying out in the sun (too chilly!). But it was sunny and nice out and it was cool to go on our first cruise. Although, you could really feel the rocking of the boat more than I thought we'd be able to. THAT was really weird- it felt like you were constantly on the verge of passing out- like the feeling of vertigo. Strange.

Here are a couple pictures of our room and the dining room:


Megan said...

So was there much to do on the cruise ship? Or did you get to go in to different ports? Sounds like it was a good time to get away for awhile!

Aaron said...