Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Promised Pictures

Folks have shared and so, now I can post a couple more pictures of the cruise to Ensenada.
This first one is a picture of our ship in Los Angeles where we boarded. It was actually docked right next to the Queen Mary which I hadn't seen since I was 6! (Remember mom? When we went with grandma and grandpa?)

Justin's comment about this one is that it makes it look really fun because you can't tell from the picture that it was too cold to swim. Even so, Marissa and I braved the water slide. As soon as I hit the plunge pool I made a bee line for the ladder and emphatically yelled "Get me out! Get me out!" at the kids who were in my way. Not only was the air cold- but the water was actual ocean water that they pump in for the pools. Brrr- like freezing cold french fries.

The next photo is pretty self explanatory- a group of us eating lunch in Ensenada. What you can't really tell from the picture is that we had 4 tables lined up but it was so chilly in the shade that most of us were huddled around the one table that was in the sunshine- not just for the photo-ops, but for warmth! (I know, all you Iowan's are crying for me and my chilly trip to Mexico! Boo-hoo, hace frio!!)

You also may notice that Justin is managing to have a philisophical conversation in the background during this festive photo op....weirdo. :)

This last one is my personal favorite. Clearly Justin enjoyed getting to know my colleagues as here he is pictured with a "what on earth" look on his face.

Actually, James (the other guy in the picture) and his wife were the couple we rode down to LA with. We had a lot of fun with them- they go to our church and are leaders for the high school group there. Justin and James both got a kick out of this picture.

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