Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Aunt Rachael

Congratulations to Abby and Kyle on their new bundle of joy! Ryan Steven Gripp was born yesterday evening around 8:00 PM. Sounds like the new mom was a trooper and the new baby is happy and healthy! We can't wait to meet the new addition to the Gripp family!!

Speaking of which... TWO DAYS!!!!

Here are some things that I am looking forward to in IC/Davenport: (these are NOT in any particular order, BUT number 1 does happen to be the best part!)
1. My awesome family (Both Brummers AND Clarks)
2. Meeting my new nephew
3. Sleeping in an airconditioned house
4. Thunderstorms
5. Green grass
6. Brueggers
7. Mani/pedi with my mom and Megs
8. BIX!!
9. Playing games with the fam
10. Downtown IC
11. The Vine
12. Harris Pizza.... or maybe Happy Joe's Taco Pizza?
13. Burgers on the grill (I'm talking to my dad here!!)
14. Margaritas and Sea Food Vera Cruz at Carlos'

I think I just gained a couple of pounds just THINKING about all the food I'm looking forward to eating! If you're in Iowa and you're reading this- get ready for some good times!!!


emily said...

AHHH!!! I love Iowa!!!! I just got back from 10 days in the beautiful state. I have to say that most of my time was centered around food too! My family likes to eat!!! Have a great time!!! Can't wait to hear about it.

Megan said...

Get ready for lots of good food!!! Your dad and Aaron have been scheming for several weeks now about the best things to cook for when you guys are back! :) We are super excited to see you in a just a few days!