Wednesday, September 3, 2008

You Don't Live Here!!

Funny story- we were still at our old place until this past Saturday. So, Friday night we were in bed and all of the sudden we hear something smack into the screen in our bedroom window (about 2 feet from where I was laying in bed). Justin looks up and sees a cat clinging to the screen staring down at us! Let's just say it's a good thing that I am blind as a bat and couldn't see it because I probably would have screamed. Justin said later "I have to admit, his little cat face scared the heck out of me!"

So Justin gets out of bed and shoo's the cat off of the screen. It jumps to the ground and meow's at him and as Justin stares through the screen, the following conversation ensues:

Justin: You don't live here, punk.

Cat: Meow

Justin: You don't LIVE here, punk.

Cat: Meow

Me: (giggling in bed)

Justin: Yeah, you don't LIVE here, punk.

Cat: Meow

Justin: Yeah, I better stop talking to you... punk.

Cat: Meow

Me: (hysterically laughing now)....and again, even as I write this, hysterically laughing...

1 comment:

cbrummer said...

Also hysterically laughing - had to share with a couple of students!