Monday, September 28, 2009

October? Seriously?

It can't be. I can't believe it's been almost three months since I've blogged. I'm really really boring. Sorry.

In the off chance that someone reads this that doesn't know me, I guess the big news of late is that I am no longer working at Softshare.... my software days appear to be behind me (my choice, not theirs) and I am back to teaching music. It was really an amazing series of events that spanned about three weeks wherein I found out that a good friend of mine was pregnant, which made me think about how I wanted to be pregnant, which in turn reminded me that when we DO eventually have kids (not soon folks, don't expect any blog declarations here!) that I want to most certainly be back in education so that Justin and I will have similar schedules and because, lets face it, it's where I belong. This train of thought led Justin and I to pray about our future- in the midst of all MY planning, where is God's plan in all of this? Two days later, my friend Christy unknowingly sent me a posting for a part-time music job at Montecito Union Elementary School. Two weeks later I was offered the job. Prayer is powerful!! Thanks so much to everyone who was praying for me during the application and interview process.

So far it's been a whirlwind to say the least. I am teaching kindergarten general music, 2nd and 3rd grade violin and after-school strings (basically sectionals 3 days a week and orchestra 2 days a week).

So, in the interest of not losing your attention before this post ends, I leave you with some of my favorite kid quotes from the first three weeks of teaching:

First day of music for Kindergarten:

Kindergarten boy: Do you have any tubas?

Me: That's a great question! We're going to talk about that in just a minute!

Kindergarten boy: I've wanted to play the tuba my WHOLE LIFE!

Kindergarten discussion about presidents- this one started because we are looking at a book about "America the Beautiful" and there's a picture of Mount Rushmore.

Kindergartener #1: I know who the first president is- George Washington!

Kindergartener #2: I know who the LAST president is- Barack Obama!

Kindergartener #3: One time I saw a dummy in Old Town Goleta!

2nd grade class receives their violins for the first time, and upon opening their cases:

2nd grade girl: WOW!

2nd grade boy #1: This is the best day of my whole life!

2nd grade boy #2: The best day of my life was the first time I had root beer.

How can I compete with root beer? :)


cbrummer said...

rootbeer - HILARIOUS!!!! I howled! Soooo funny!

Aaron said...

love it.... keep posting