Wednesday, February 9, 2011

God Bless Rachael's Uterus

My neighbor tells me that this is what her 3-year-old prayed last night. They had tried to explain what an ectopic pregnancy was so he was trying to use the "lingo" in his prayers last night. So sweet.

Today it has been four weeks since I initially started spotting- the first signs that something wasn't right. I spent 10 days thinking it was a miscarriage and that we'd be able to start trying again soon, once it resolved. My HCG levels kept increasing which lead my doctor to do an ultrasound which lead them to discover that it was actually an ectopic pregnancy. Now we have to figure out if my tube is worth keeping at all and will probably need to wait until May before we start trying again...ugh.

It's beyond disappointing at a time when I really don't need more disappointment. However, the Lord continues to bless us and teach us.

We are so blessed by our friends and family. I know it's so hard for our family to be so far away but we know that you're praying for us and I love that you check in on us- being away is hard but it's good to know we're on your minds and in your prayers.

Our friends here in SB are amazing. Marissa has prayed with me, for me, brought me lunch, dinner, Sydney (baby fix!), and amazing friendship. JoAnn has walked with me, cried with me and given me space when I need it, while making sure I know she's there. Donna is at the ready with advice from someone who knows and Katherine has listened to me whine and feel sorry for myself ad nauseam (which can't be fun). Stacy has walked with me, sent me cards, texts and a two-year old at my door (more baby fixes!).

God is good and He provides.


Anonymous said...

I went to your blog from Stacy's (I have to admit the title made me curious) after reading through your story and drying my eyes, I just wanted to you to know I prayed for you. I don't know if I have met you, but I prayed for you like I knew you.
God works in mysterious ways sometimes.
Love Stacy's mom and Jane's Grandma

Aaron said...

Hang in there sis. We're praying for you too!

Megan said...

We are thinking and praying for you both! Wish California and Iowa were next to each other...

RobinG said...

Oh Rachael. I am so sorry. Know that you are soooo loved and cherished. You and yours are in all of our prayers. (((HUGS)))

I love you guys so much!

Marissa said...

I continue to be impressed by your STRENGTH, courage, hope and determination through this VERY difficult situation. I AM so grateful for our friendship, it has been so good for me as I learn to be more a more vulnerable and intentional friend :)

emily said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I will say some prayers for you friend. Hang in there and keep believing God is good...even when it doesn't feel like it sometimes. He never changes.