Sunday, December 9, 2007

Serious Warm Clothing Shortage!!

Anyone who thinks that Santa Barbara, CA is warm all the time is sorely mistaken. I know, I know, boo-hoo- I'm not saying that it's anything close to what my family is experiencing in the midwest right now (ICE!!). I'm also not saying that I can't handle it or that it's TOO cold for ME (I grew up in the midwest, after all.) What I'm saying is that it's misleading..... When you look up the average monthly temperatures for Santa Barbara it's 70 degrees year round. Which would tend to make one think they wouldn't need to bring their sweaters, coats, and turtle-necks when moving from the midwest to Santa Barbara. One would be wrong to jump to this conclusion. For the past several days it has been in the 50's- which is not exactly COLD but also not exactly WARM- and which means that at night time, when people are heading out for holiday parties, it's very nearly freezing! Literally, in the upper 30's the past few nights.

Once again, I am not saying it is TOO COLD for me- I am a midwesterner for crying out loud. I'm just saying.. I shouldn't have gotten rid of all my lovely turtle-necks and sweaters!! :)

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