Monday, April 28, 2008

So Long Rockstar.... Helloo Spicy!

Softshare is taking this "healthy" stuff to a whole new level. Just when you thought it was safe to be a caffeine addict- VP put the kaibosh on....gasp....the Rockstar.

To make things worse, the one energy drink we are still allowed (Enviga- a green tea energy drink- silly Californians) was NOT delivered as scheduled today (the Coca-Cola company kinda stinks at customer service). But, thankfully, the 4 different kinds of V8 WERE.

I know what you're thinking- 4 different kinds of V8?? Well, in case you didn't know, V8 makes several "fruit/vegetable" juices that have fruit flavors. Softshare is currently stocking Blueberry/Pomegranate V8 as well as Peach/Mango v8. 160 calories, 2 servings of fruits and vegetables!! We also stock the regular V8 veggie and, of course, my personal favorite.... the SPICY!!

As a fan of the Bloody Mary on occasion, the V8 SPICY is quite a treat. I need to start bringing in green olives and a dill pickle spear so that I can close my eyes and pretend I'm @ Quinton's in IC!!

In other news- I start my new job at Softshare on Thursday. I am looking forward to learning tons of new stuff over the next couple of weeks. I have until May 23 before my predecessor moves to Portland, so I have a lot to soak in as quickly as possible. I am looking forward to being in an office with two Nutter-Butter loving gentleman. As my family knows, I am not one to turn down a Nutter-Butter, so I will fit right in.


cbrummer said...

Come on home and I will treat you to Quinton's!

We are proud of you!

Megan said...

Serious? No caffeine! Yikes! So did they outlaw soda too?
Any job involving Nutter Butters is a great job! :)

Aaron said...

oh.... it's time for a new blog!!!!!