Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Phew! Busy week! I have to say I was VERY glad to gain that extra hour on Sunday- it enabled me to grocery shop, do laundry, go to volleyball practice AND Sunday school and Church! The downside is that it's nearly dark at the end of my work day which makes me very sleepy!

It's been a bit of a whirlwind week so far- volleyball Monday and elections yesterday (we went to an election party to watch election coverage) and then we have homegroup tonight, a Young Life dinner tomorrow and a 5th/6th youth event at church on Friday (wow, I just realized that we have something EVERY night this week- yikes.) I like being busy to a point but this is crazy hectic! Looking forward to some downtime this weekend!

Lately I've been missing our time in Michigan more- oddly enough (sorry Michiganders!). I mean, before I was missing the people that we knew there, but now I'm sort of longing for the Michigan days when I was teaching and when we weren't so busy and got more time together (Justin and I that is). Don't get me wrong, I love all of the activities that we're involved with here, it just gets a little nutty sometimes!

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