Saturday, August 28, 2010

Quotes of the week

I love teaching. As much as this year has been clouded so far by the politics, and feeling invisible, it is an indisputable fact that I love to teach. I'm trying to get back to, get focused on, get entrenched in that love and passion as much as possible, and block out the B.S. that threatens to demoralize me. A couple of gems popped out this week (with only two days of instruction!) that I have to share.

The first one needs a little background- I recently had the opportunity to see a SMART Board-- one of the teachers at my school uses one. It's an interactive whiteboard. I won't bore you with details, but it would be an AMAZING tool to have when teaching music notation. So my colleagues suggested that I ask for one. I asked and the answer was no- they can't justify the expense for a part-time teacher.

I'm not here to rant about that response-- the response it is what it is. Here's the funny part:

I did a lesson on notation this week with a projector (something like an overhead projector, except it projects whatever is on my computer screen). The lesson went really well. But at the end of the lesson a 3rd grade student, who is new to our district, says to me, "You know, you REALLY need a SMART Board."

Ha! Priceless. From the mouths of babes.

The second gem came from a kindergarten student: At the end of class, I was walking them to recess when one of them says to me "Did you know that I'm rich?"

Me: "No! I didn't know!"

Kid: "I'm really rich. I promise."

Me: "Cool!"

I mean, what else do you say??!

I love teaching- kids rock.

1 comment:

cbrummer said...

I love that you love teaching - stay focused on those kids!!!