Wednesday, August 18, 2010


When did the word "totally" become such a burden to utter? Has anyone else noticed this? I'm seeing more and more people (especially on facebook) using "totes" as slang for "totally". This bothers me. I can't explain why. It's not like I never abbreviate, I def do. (Justin doesn't like that one- "def"). But totes? It sounds like something someone from an 80's movie about Valley Girls would say. "Totes" is "def" my new "nails-on-the-chalkboard" totes makes me shudder.

In other news, I fell while out running today. Like, to the ground, like, SMACK. This is not the first, or even second time that this has happened. What IS a first is that I was running WITH JoAnn at the time (it usually happens when I'm running alone). Which made me feel slightly less pathetic, mainly because I was distracted and somewhat amused by her scream of surprise when her running partner hit the deck (so to speak). She remarked later that she was surprised at how loud it was- my body smacking into the pavement that is. I can't believe I haven't broken a wrist by now, since I almost always catch myself with my hands. Banged up my knee pretty badly but managed to (not at all gracefully) roll into the wet grass just after the initial impact. I don't know if clumsy even describes it. It's funny because we were just talking the other day about running during pregnancy (no, I am not pregnant at this time) and I was saying I would like to continue running when I get pregnant. Maybe I'll stick to the treadmill.... I haven't fallen off of one of those...yet.

1 comment:

cbrummer said...

I am SO sorry to say that you are definitely your mothers child when it comes to 'falling'............sorry honey