Thursday, October 30, 2008

Check out this email exchange between one of Justin's students (in his Phil I class) and Justin:

I was sick earlier this week with the unidentified virus from the DLG and as such I missed the discussion. I was wondering if we found out what we got on our midterms, what we went over, and if we did anything that I would possibly need to do outside of class.

(Removed name to protect the innocent)

**Ok, first of all- unidentified virus? What on earth is the DLG?? That can't be good!**

Here's Justin's Reply:

(Student's Name),

Hope you're feeling better. I won't return the midterms until next week, I'm in the process of finishing them as I write. In discussion on Tuesday we discussed the Cosmological Argument, and some objections to the argument, etc.
Next week we will discuss the problem of evil, so make sure you've done the reading.

Other than that, the only homework I've assigned was for everyone to prove once and for all whether or not God exists. Have that ready by Tuesday. Good luck!


I read that and thought- wow, I'm glad I'M not in that class! What an assignment!

So, I get home and we're eating dinner tonight and I brought up the email to joke about this "unidentified virus" and Justin's all "Yeah, did you see what I told him his assignment was?" HE WAS JOKING!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just when you think that Philosopher's don't have a sense of humor. This poor kid is going to be spending his Halloween weekend trying to prove- "once and for all"- the existence of God.

I love it.

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